My Hero Academia Flashback Gives the Series Is Own Hyuga Clan

It goes without saying at this point, but My Hero Academia is definitely one of shonen's biggest successes. The superhero story continues to rope in new readers by the day, and it is ranked up with greats like One Piece and Dragon Ball. In fact, comparisons continue to roll in between My Hero Academia and Naruto given their wild success. And now, the My Hero Academia just took a page from Naruto by creating its own Hyuga Clan.

The whole thing came to light this week as My Hero Academia chapter 387 went live. It was there fans were surprised when a villain appeared as we met Geten in jail. It was there the man confirmed the theory he was related to Rei Todoroki, but what fans did not expect was Geten to confess his bloodline's secret shame. After all, the Himura clan became too much like the Hyuga of Naruto before it imploded.

According to Geten, the Himura family has thick blood because of its ego and incestual practices. Long ago, the family was said to be very powerful in Japan because of its icy quirk and economic influence. In order to keep the family pure and ward off outsiders, the Himura family married into itself and created branch families, but this eventually led to its ruin. As the clan grew smaller because of its incestual isoluation, the Himura had no choice but to diversify, and the clan elders decided to profit off this move by selling children into marriages. This is how Rei ended up with Enji, and Geten says he ended up being sold to Redestro who then raised him as a son.

While the Himura clan's latter history does not reflect the Hyuga, well – you can see how the first half fits. In Naruto, the Hyuga helped found the Hidden Leaf Village, and their doujutsu became proprietary of the land. Much like the Uchiha, the Hyuga married into itself, and it also had a branch system. All of its members looked to a single head family for guidance much like the Hyuga. The only thing the Naruto clan did differently was sealing its branch members. However, the Himura's lesser members were sold into trafficked marriages, and this sealed their autonomy in the same way the Hyuga branches were.

According to Geten, the Himura clan essentially pimped itself out of existence, but the Hyuga did not face the same fate. The Naruto clan could have gone the same direction, but Hinata was able to change her family's fate with help. Naruto Uzumaki vowed to put the Hyuga on the right path once he met Neji, and as we have seen in Boruto, that promise was met. The Hyuga are united nowadays which proves even the most restrictive clans can come back from the brink. But sadly, the Himura in My Hero Academia weren't willing to correct their path in time.

What do you think of this latest My Hero Academia reveal? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB.