My Hero Academia Season 7 Poster Sets Up Dabi vs. Shoto War

The Todoroki Family Reunion has released a new poster for My Hero Academia's seventh season.

My Hero Academia's seventh season is presenting fans with the biggest fight of the franchise to date. While the main event might be considered the highly anticipated re-match featuring Izuku Midoriya and Shigaraki, there are plenty of "lower card" brawls that are looking to take the anime world by storm. One of the most anticipated of these preliminary fights is the Todoroki family reunion, which will see Shoto Todoroki attempting to stop his brother Toya, aka Dabi, from lighting the world on fire. To help hype the battle between brothers, Studio Bones has released a new poster as the sibling rivalry prepares to light up the anime adaptation.

One of the biggest reveals in the sixth season of My Hero Academia had nothing to do with All For One and One For All but instead was Dabi revealing that he was the long-thought-dead son of Endeavor. Revealing himself to be Toya Todoroki, the eldest son of the current number one hero, Dabi broke down how he is looking to get payback against his father for the torment he went through in his younger years. Thanks to the sins of his past, Enji Todoroki cannot bring himself to fight his own son, meaning that all the responsibility is now on the shoulders of Shoto.

Shoto Vs. Dabi: An Anime Family Reunion For The Ages

Thanks to revealing his true identity during the Paranormal Liberation War in season six, Dabi has taken on a new appearance in the seventh season of the anime adaptation. To match his real hair color, Toya is now wearing a white jacket and pants as he looks to finally get revenge on his father. While Dabi might not have the ability to use the same powers that his younger brother has, his flame rivals that of his father's, meaning this will be no easy task to take him down.

If you want a breakdown of the first episode that will see Shoto and Dabi go head-to-head, here's how My Hero Academia describes the 146th episode of the anime, "11 years ago, Toya Todoroki was burned by his own flames. What is the reason why he survived and how did he become Dabi? Todoroki uses a new technique to fight against Dabi, who emits blue flames of tremendous firepower. Will he be able to stop his brother?"

Want to see who wins the Shoto/Dabi fight? Follow along with Team Anime on ComicBook for the latest updates on My Hero Academia's final arc.