With the arrival of the sequel series of Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, one of the original members of Team 7, Sakura, has been sidelined throughout the war against the Kara Organization, but a recent viral video has given the partner of Sasuke Uchiha the chance to shine! While Naruto and Sasuke have been attempting to stop the nefarious machinations of Kara and their all-powerful leader in Jigen, it will be interesting to see if we get the chance to see Sakura break loose and take her shot at protecting the Hidden Leaf as she does in this stylish clip!
Videos by ComicBook.com
Sakura’s history within the Naruto franchise has been an important one, holding a crush for the final Uchiha throughout the first two series, placing her in quite the predicament once Sasuke decided to consider Konoha his enemy as he searched for his brother, Itachi, to exact revenge. Luckily for her, she eventually settled down with Sasuke following the defeat of the Akatsuki and the creator of the Uchiha Clan in Madara, and helped raise their daughter Sarada. As mentioned earlier, she hasn’t been a big member of the front lines in the battle against Kara, but we’re crossing our fingers that the original member of Team 7 will have the opportunity to protect her village once again!
Twitter Artist Naruto Boruto Theory shared this viral clip that shows off Sakura demonstrating her ninja skills and doing what seems to be the impossible in taking down the latest form of Jigen, Isshiki, who is attempting to swap bodies with the latest addition to the Uzumaki Clan in Kiwaki:
Sakura is tired of the nerfed Sasuke#boruto #isshiki #fananimation pic.twitter.com/7P65JymIiA
— Naruto Boruto Theory (@BorutoTheory) November 28, 2020
Sakura might not have a nine-tailed fox bouncing around inside of her body or the power of the Sharingan to rely on, but she definitely earned her place in the original trio of Team 7 time and time again. Showing off some serious super strength as well as a variety of healing skills, Sakura Haruno would certainly make for a good addition to Konoha’s resistance against the Kara Organization!
What do you think of this hilarious viral video that hilariously shows Sakura saving the day against Jigen? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the Hidden Leaf Village!