We dare you to walk down the street wearing this thing. We triple dog dare you! A bluetooth speaker that has been created by the Japanese company, Otome Yusha, to promote their mobile game, Hero of Maidens. The mobile game is primarily targeted at women, creating a number of hunky heroes who must “save the world through love”. Now, for whatever reason, you can wrap one of the hero’s arms and face around your upper torso and walk down the street for some reason, surely not stopping traffic as you go.
Videos by ComicBook.com
The Nerdist dropped the news on their Official Twitter Account that “Boyfriend Hug Speakers” could be won by eager fans if they take part in a lottery run by Otome Yusha:
This new Bluetooth speaker from Japan is built like a muscular man who’ll hug you while you listen to music! https://t.co/R0QbOo7hDT pic.twitter.com/9j2YOQnTHn
— Nerdist (@nerdist) July 30, 2019
Buying products that feature hot anime hunks and women has long been a tradition within the anime community. When simply shirts, hoodies, or hats just won’t do, a number of fans will resort to “body pillows” or, in this case, the “Boyfriend Hug Speakers”, to be as close to their anime crush as humanly possible, at the potential expense of all other human contact. We have to wonder just how much these would cost if they were made available to the general public and what songs people would be blasting out of these huge anime arms.

If fans want to be able to win one of these bluetooth speakers, they have until August 9th to submit their information to Level-9, aka Otome Yusha, to have a chance to walk down the street with these strong arms clasping themselves to your shoulders. The woman pictured in the promotional shot certainly seems to be enjoying the arms, walking out in public with them, visiting her favorite restaurants, and even going on a date with this terrifying anime face staring at her dinner partner. We’re sure everything will work out fine for the future of this pair and their “third wheel”.
What do you think of this nightmarish new device that surely won’t come to life and strangle their owners in the future? Do you plan on trying to win a pair of these…things? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, or God only knows!