
Odd Taxi Announces New Movie


Odd Taxi is definitely one of the most unique anime series to hit the small screen this year, and while the conclusion is quite definitive for its premiere episodes, the surreal show has shocked fans by announcing that a new movie is on the way. Titled Odd Tax: Into The Woods, the story of the upcoming film set to arrive in April has yet to be unveiled though it certainly has grabbed the attention of the anime community thanks to a new teaser trailer released.   

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Odd Taxi might star the strange cab driver known as Odokawa, but the series excels at telling the story of the people that become a part of his life, both good and bad. With the manga actually debuting earlier this year with two volumes, the anime took little time in hitting the small screen as it arrived only a few months following the printed story created by writer Kazuya Konomoto and Takeichi Abaraya. The new film has received the title of Odd Taxi: In The Woods and is set to hit Japan in April of next year, though a North American release date has yet to be revealed. 

Odd Taxi’s Official Twitter Account shared the news that the new movie for the surreal anime series would be dropping next year, delivering fans a trailer that uses a combination of old and new footage to give fans an idea of the storyline which the new movie might be diving into:

Without going into spoiler territory, Odd Taxi ends quite definitively, wrapping the story of Odokawa and the strange life that he leads. With the series giving fans quite the twist ending for its finale, it will be interesting to see if the bombshell reveal is played up in the movie or if it is ignored when Into The Woods arrives. Recently listed in many “best of 2021” anime lists, Odd Taxi also received an honorable mention from the New Yorker for one of the best television shows of this year period, proving how much the animated series’ story has resonated among viewers.

What territory do you think the new Odd Taxi movie will explore? Do you think Into The Woods will be a sequel, a prequel, or both? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of Odokawa and company.