Pokemon: Twilight Wings is a spin-off to the main anime series that explores the region of Galar, the landscape that was introduced in the Nintendo Switch exclusive video game of Pokemon Sword And Shield, and recently, the screenwriter of the series, Sou Kinoshita, shared the reasoning behind the stories of the series and how it came to be! With each episode being released exclusively online, the series decides to take an anthology approach to show us new and old characters that reside within Galar, and introduce us to brand new parts of the region that has been featured prominently in the new season of Pokemon Journeys!
Videos by ComicBook.com
Pokemon: Twilight Wings has come to a close, giving us a number of unique adventures within the Galar Region that are linked by the “Flying Taxi Service” and also gave us the opportunity to learn more about several of the trainers that Ash has faced in the latest season of the main anime season.
Pokemon.Com recently sat down with screenwriter Sou Kinoshita, inquiring how the story could only be told in Pokemon: Twilight Wings, and discussed some of the characters and moments that they were hoping to tell with this unique spin-off:
“Twilight Wings is a compilation of seven short-story-style episodes, and the one element that is shared by every episode is Galar’s Flying Taxi service. Because of that, we wanted to include words related to the sky. There were a few other concepts we had in mind, some of which made it into the title and some didn’t. For example, we thought it would fit well if we could include an aspect of “dawn” to convey the idea of how John and the other characters make impactful decisions, solve problems, have realizations, and draw on their bravery to take action.
We also thought of how we all have troubles to bear in life, and sometimes we get caught in a frighteningly dark, long night—and how wonderful it would feel if light finally crept in, and you could finally open your eyes to a wide blue sky and take off flying into that sky on your own wings. The title has been translated into several different languages for worldwide distribution, too, and I think the English name, Twilight Wings, has a nice ring to it as well.”
What do you think of Twilight Wings? What other region of the franchise would you like to see receive a similar spin-off? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of Ash Ketchum and company!