Rick And Morty’s fifth season introduced several new characters to the world of the Smith family, with one sticking out among the rest by making fun of the environmental superhero known as Captain Planet via the female crime fighter voiced by Alison Brie known as Planetina. Though Planetina had started a relationship with Morty over the course of her introductory episode, the two split when the Captain Planet parody began using her superpowers to eradicate all threats to the planet’s environment, including oil workers and other relatively harmless citizens of the planet.
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When Planetina was first introduced, her version of the Planeteers were no longer teenagers looking to help the environment by battling against supervillains launching acid rain attacks, but rather, was controlled by full-grown adults who were seeking to use her power and appearance in order to make a quick buck. With Planetina’s “sidekicks” coming to the realization that the well was running dry when it came to profiting from their personal superhero, they attempted to sell her to the highest bidder, with Morty stepping in with a bid to free her in one of the most violent ways possible.
Instagram Cosplayer Che Heaven shared this impressive take on Rick And Morty’s environmental superhero who didn’t return following her introduction in season five, but will most likely make a return to the series in the future considering the same has happened with countless characters throughout the history of the Adult Swim juggernaut:
A sixth and seventh, season of Rick And Morty has already been confirmed, though a release date for the next batch of episodes has yet to be revealed. With the creative minds behind the series already stating on several occasions that the upcoming season would have less of a wait time than previous entries, we’re looking forward to seeing how the events of season five are able to shift the landscape of the series that made Rick Sanchez and Morty Smith household names.
What do you think of this take on Rick And Morty’s resident environmental superhero? Which characters from the fifth season would you like to see return in the future of the Adult Swim franchise? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of Adult Swim.