Rick and Morty Season 7 has spent its first two episodes re-establishing Rick’s connections with his friends and family in new ways, and those connections and focus on Rick continues with the third episode of the new season! Rick and Morty Season 7 has not been shedding more like on the wider canon just yet, but the episodes seen thus far have been spending their time exploring new sides of Rick’s character. Given how much he’s changed since the series began, these episodes have been showing new sides of Rick as well as he deals with their reunions in Season 7.ย
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Rick and Morty Season 7 Episode 3, “Air Force Wong,” not only sees Rick returning to therapy (which has been something he’s been working on for the last few seasons), but also sees a return from his greatest rival, the President. The United States President continues to be one of the characters who could get under Rick’s skin each time he appears, and that was the case for the newest episode of the series as well. Here’s everything important that went down in the episode!

What Happens In Rick and Morty Season 7 Episode 3?ย
- Rick’s attending another therapy session with Dr. Wong (a returning Susan Sarandon), and is soon interrupting by the President (Keith David) who shows up because he needs his help with a werewolf leprechaun Loch Ness Monster with some kind of super disease, but Rick is more focused on the fact that the President seems to be having a romantic spark with Dr. Wong. Then asking him not to date her, Rick backs down as his therapy has been helping.ย
- Following the opening credits, Rick and Morty are watching more Interdimensional Cable before the President calls Rick on a new mission again. The President tells Rick about a new mission in Virginia as love has become a law in the state, and it means no crime or complaints about the government. It’s made the President suspicious of a potential cult, and it’s clear that he’s crafted a mission in order to seemingly get Dr. Wong’s number and Rick’s “permission” to date his therapist.ย
- President then enlists Dr. Wong in the new Virginia mission, and it’s clear the two of them are bonding more as they head into the love controlled Virginia. It soon becomes clear that the state has been controlled by a body snatching hive mind of some sort, and it’s revealed that Unity has returned and is trying to make a base on Earth. But Rick has developed anti-Unity technology, and it’s revealed that Unity returned because she’s worried over the fact that Rick is searching for “him” again.ย
- Noting that he lost himself the last time Rick looked for him, Rick refuses to listen to Unity’s pleas as they escape Virginia and the President cuts it off with a dome (and thus cuts off its connection with Unity). Following the break, it’s revealed that Virginia is still being kept in the dome and it’s just another thing that’s gotten attention from all the wild stuff the President has done in the series’ past. Rick is angered over the fact that Dr. Wong is there in the first place, but Unity contacts the war room.ย
- Unity reveals that she needs to reconnect with the people of Virginia in order to properly free them, but Rick continues to distrust her as she ghosted him in the past in order to assimilate more people and she soon decides to leave orbit. Rick and the President continue to argue, and Dr. Wong reveals she doesn’t want to take their connection further and dumps the President.ย
- Back in the garage, Summer heads to Rick and tries to help him over the fact she figured out Unity returned and all Rick can do is yell at her. As the President heads back to the domed over Virginia, he continues to watch the news report criticizing him and only feels worse about the fact he might not be re-elected. Trying to reclaim the hive mind for its 100% approval rate, the President ends up taking control of Virginia as a new hive mind as Unity had warned.ย
- The President hive mind starts to spread even further, and Morty tells Rick about how Unity could be back. But it’s soon clear with the ongoing news anchors that the President has taken over them as well, and do nothing but approve the President. Rick decides to fix things by saving Dr. Wong from the President hive mind, and he wants her help to go back to Unity and try to convince Rick that he’s better than what she thinks he is.ย
- Rick still carries a mistrust over Unity, and revealed that he refused to answer her calls despite how many time she called him. Dr. Wong explains that while it’s a slow process, Rick has actually begun to change and Rick’s in the wrong for how he handled things with Unity. Unity then begins an invasion of he rown to free the Earth from the President hive mind, and the two begin a bigger battle. Unity succeeds in taking over the full hive mind.ย
- Unity explains that she would never be releasing millions of people had it not been for Rick, and it’s something she’s never actually done before. It clearly caused her pain, and while Rick started to open up to her finally and says he “trusts her now” she doesn’t feel the same about him. Rick then sadly returns to his garage and begins to listen to the messages Unity left that he ignored, and it’s clear that she cared about him and was only worried because Rick is chasing after that guy.ย
- Rick then heads to the Oval Office as the President says he might need therapy. After the credits, the Mr. Stabby host from Interdimensional Cable is on a Larry David like program talking about how he’s representative of someone with swords for arms and legs despite causing the deaths of thousands of attendees.ย
What did you think of Rick and Morty‘s newest episode? Let us know all of your thoughts about it in the comments! You can even reach out to me directly about all things animation and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!