The anime adaptation of Yuto Suzuki’s popular Weekly Shonen Jump manga Sakamoto Days is about to make its debut. The story centers around a former assassin, Taro Sakamoto, who was once feared as the greatest hitman of all time. He falls in love and gets married, leaving behind his dangerous job. Five years later, after his wedding, he has gotten out of shape and lives a peaceful life with his family. However, trouble comes knocking at the door, and Taro must face his past again to keep his family safe.
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This hilarious action-packed anime follows Taro’s adventures as he navigates through the dangers of his previous job once again. However, he meets new allies along the way, who become a part of his family. The anime will debut on January 11th, 2025. It will stream exclusively on Netflix. The anime is confirmed for two cours, with the second one scheduled for July 2025. Netflix releases a final trailer in English dub two days before the official release. The two-and-a-half-minute trailer gives a basic introduction to the show. However, it also highlights that Taro, a legendary assassin, only has one fear โย a divorce.
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Sakamoto Days’ Final Trailer Reveals Taro Is Deathly Afraid of His Wife Divorcing Him
Taro’s wife, Aoi, convinced him to leave his job as an assassin. She believes everyone has people caring for them, so killing causes the victim’s friends and family a lot of pain. Aoi even ensured Taro would keep his word and added “no killing” as a family rule. The punishment for breaking this rule is Taro’s worst nightmare since Aoi would leave him forever. In the trailer, he is visibly scared and even his glasses shatter after hearing Aoi’s threat. He dreadfully nods as he acknowledges her warning. Despite being an ordinary citizen, Aoi doesn’t seem fazed by the violence. After someone places a bounty of 1 billion on Taro’s head, several hitmen continue to attack him at his store.
Aoi casually mentions that while it’s a headache, their bandage sales have gone up. We also see Taro’s daughter, Hana, putting bandages on the assassins who came to kill her father. The Sakamoto Family strictly abides by the family rules, and that applies to everyone, not just Taro. Hence, in the trailer, we see Taro inviting Shin to become a part of the family. As someone who will live and work with them, Shin must also follow the family rules. However, Shin’s punishment is different from Taro’s. The man threatens Shin to kill him if he breaks the rule, which, even as a joke, goes against his wife’s wishes.