
Adult Swim Shocks Fans With Secret Smiling Friends Premiere Marathon


Adult Swim definitely took fans by surprise last Sunday evening by premiering not only the first episode of Smiling Friends, but the entire season over the course of the evening! Adult Swim is known for their major surprises, and that’s why fans are often keeping an eye on the programming block for what could come next. Usually these surprises are saved for special occasions, and that’s what made the series premiere of the long awaited Smiling Friends even more of a special occasion. Fans had only expected to see the first two new episodes of the series, but there was much more actually shown.

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YOLO Crystal Fantasy creator Michael Cusack and Zach Hadel’s Smiling Friends has been one of the most requested new series coming from Adult Swim ever since the pilot episode premiered during the April Fool’s Day 2020 broadcast (yet another surprise shake up to the programming schedule), and fans were delighted to check out the first of the new series’ episodes on Sunday, January 9th. But after the first two, the series just kind of kept going.ย 

Adult Swim did not list the entire series as airing in their programming, so fans who flipped the channel or didn’t set their DVRs missed out on the special marathon you had to catch live. Luckily. Smiling Friends is coming to HBO Max next month and fans can also check out the series’ run on Adult Swim’s official website (with a cable subscription). Read on to see what fans are saying about Smiling Friends’ big secret premiere, and Let us know all of your thoughts about it in the comments! You can even reach out to me directly about all things animated and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!


So Many Wild Scenes!

Very Cool

“Haven’t Laughed So Hard in a While”

Don’t Forget Smormu!

Glep is the Best

What a Wild Ride

A New Adult Swim Favorite

Hope You Didn’t Change the Channel!

More Alan Next Time Please!