Sword Art Online Progressive has shared an intense new trailer! Fans of the Sword Art Online franchise have been waiting to see more of the anime following the end of the massive Alicization saga with the War of Underworld arc in the third season, and surprisingly it was announced that the anime would be continuing with a brand new feature film tackling the official side story written by original series creator Reki Kawahara, Sword Art Online Progressive. This side series depicts the original Aincard at a much slower pace than the original, and we can see that in full effect with this newest trailer.
Videos by ComicBook.com
Following the confirmation that the film will be releasing in Japan later this October (with a cool new poster) during Aniplex Online Fest earlier this month, Sword Art Online the Movie -Progressive- Aria of a Starless Night has released a new teaser trailer giving fans another glance at what we can expect to see with this revisit to Kirito and Asuna’s journey through Aincrad’s first few floors that had been skipped over in the original telling of the saga. Check out the newest trailer in the video above!
While Sword Art Online the Movie -Progressive- Aria of a Starless Night will be releasing in Japan on October 30th, Aniplex of America has confirmed that the film will be getting a release in the United States at a later date. There is unfortunately no news on that front for now, but it was teased during Aniplex Online Fest 2021 that information on this front would be coming our way soon. There’s a lot to be excited for when it finally does release too.
Directed by Ayako Kawano for A-1 Pictures, Sword Art Online the Movie -Progressive- Aria of a Starless Night will feature a slate of returning cast and staff members. Character designer from the anime series, Kento Toya, will be returning, Yasuyuki Kai returns as action director, and Yuki Kajiura is also confirmed to return to compose the music. Yoshitsugu Matsuoka and Haruka Tomatsu have also been set to return for the movie as Kirito and Asuna respectively, and it will introduce a new character voiced by Inori Minase. We actually get to see this new character, Mito, in action with the new trailer.
What do you think of this newest trailer for the Sword Art Online Progressive movie? What are you hoping to see from the anime’s return to Aincrad? Let us know all of your thoughts about it in the comments! You can even reach out to me directly about all things animated and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!