The Fairly OddParents: A New Wish has been showcasing a new sequel to the original animated series, and with the newest episode has reintroduced Poof as an adult now named Peri! The Fairly OddParents made its grand comeback to screens earlier this year with a brand new series revealed to be an official sequel to the Nickelodeon original. Although it features a new Godkid at the center of the adventures, the sequel series brings back a few familiar faces like Cosmo and Wanda. It means everything that happened in the original animated series is still very much a part of the timeline for this new take.ย
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Dale Dimmadome was one of the characters brought back to serve as a sort of antagonist in The Fairly OddParents: A New Wish, and the new series has demonstrated how different his son, Dev, is from his father. Dev and new star Hazel have become good friends, but the newest episode sees the two of them have a big fight that leaves Dev more depressed and alone than ever. But the final moments of the episode then take it to a new level by introducing Dev’s new Fairy GodParent, Peri, who’s actually the adult version of Cosmo and Wanda’s son, Poof. Check it out as spotted by @Getlucky1234 on X:ย
The Fairly OddParents: Who Is Poof?ย
In The Fairly OddParents: A New Wish episode titled “Lost and Founder’s Day,” Dev is introduced to his new GodParent named Peri. First he introduces himself as Poof, but then reveals he actually changed his name to Peri, to match with his Periwinkle color scheme. Hilariously, earlier in the episode Cosmo and Wanda actually referenced their son noting that they had no idea where he was at the time. Meaning, there is no telling what kind of relationship the parents and child have in the sequel.ย
The Fairly OddParents first introduced Poof as Cosmo and Wanda’s child during the Season 6 premiere, “Fairly Odd Baby.” He was the first fairy baby born in 10,000 years and served as a way to shake up the status quo. It was the first of many shake ups for the original series as the later seasons added new members to the core cast such as a magical dog, a girl Timmy had to share Cosmo and Wanda with and more. But now that Peri is back in the franchise, expect even more shake ups!ย