The Simpsons has aired Pamela Hayden’s final performance as the major star has retired from the long running sitcom after 35 years, and her final lines as Milhouse and Jimbo were great ones to definitely go out on. It was shockingly announced earlier this month that Pamela Hayden, the voice star behind characters like Milhouse, Jimbo Jones, Rod Flanders and more, would be retiring from the series after 35 years. Her final episode of The Simpsons then aired last Sunday evening, November 24th. It was a fun Treehouse of Horror special with three short stories inspired by the works of author Ray Bradbury.
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It wasn’t an episode that was particularly focused on Milhouse or any of Pamela Hayden’s characters, but two of her standouts managed to have some huge moments of their own as a final send off for the actor. The Simpsons Season 36 episode titled “Treehouse of Horror Presents: Simpsons Wicked This Way Comes” featured Hayden’s characters in the first two segments with some fun final outings for each of them. For Milhouse, it was a fittingly pathetic yet hilarious line to go out on. And for Jimbo, it was hilariously brutal. Both fitting such a long and storied career as this one.

What Was Milhouse’s Final Scene in The Simpsons?
As revealed in the special preview clip above, Pamela Hayden’s final performance as Milhouse came during the first segment of the Simpsons Wicked This Way Comes special. Based on Ray Bradbury’s short later turned into the film, The Screaming Woman, this special sees a young Bart hearing a screaming woman from under the ground. Trying to get the attention of the rest of the town before the woman suffocates, he tries to get help from Milhouse. Milhouse then makes some modern day phone jokes about his cup on a line, but ultimately turns down Bart.
Milhouse’s final line in the scene is “I lost all my high scores.” This is when he drops the cup, and the ball he was playing with is detached from it. It’s a fun final line for the character as it’s a fitting reflection of the kinds of punishment he’s been taking all of these years. So even a Milhouse in an alternate universe is treated in pretty much the same way, and it wasn’t the final line that Hayden performed in the episode overall however. She did have one final moment as Jimbo.
RELATED: The Simpsons: Pamela Hayden Shares Advice for Next Milhouse Actor Following Retirement

What Was Pamela Hayden’s Final Line in The Simpsons?
Hayden’s final performance came in the second of the segments, which took on Ray Bradbury’s “Marionettes, Inc.” This segment saw Superintendent Chalmers deciding to order a gear-filled clone of himself to spend time with the increasingly annoying Principal Skinner, but naturally it’s not long before the double then tries to take over the real Chalmers’ life. When it’s revealed that Skinner was also using a double, it leads to the two pairs fighting against one another during an assembly at school.
As all of the kids watch it go down, it leads to Skinner getting a gun and deciding which of the Chalmers to shoot. The kids all give their suggestions before Jimbo stands up and says, “Shoot ’em both! It’s the only way to be sure.” It’s both hilarious as it does make sense, but also it’s Jimbo telling Skinner to outright kill Chalmers anyway. It’s a big moment for Hayden to go out on with Jimbo as it’s a line punctuating the scene. And for a legendary career like this one, it’s just a perfect one.