Vinland Saga is a unique property within the realm of anime, presenting a retelling of real-world events during the age of Vikings and bloody battles that determined the fate of the world at large. With the first season presenting the story of the young viking Thorfinn, who joins a band of ravagers in order to get revenge for the death of his father, the second season is set to arrive next year and the creator of the series has participated in an interview to discuss many things regarding his anime hit.
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In the interview, released by Vinland Saga’s Official Twitter Account, Makoto Yukimura had this to say:
“What really surprised me when the first season was announced was that there were a lot of viewers overseas. It may be that Japanese animations are being distributed very quickly all over the world through Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc, but I feel that anime has been attracting people’s attention abroad since long before. I’m thankful for that. Although I’ve seen comments on social media of people wondering why someone like me, who lives on an island in the Far East, creates a story about the Vikings in Europe, I feel that there are no borders to enjoy anime. I’m grateful to live in an era where Vinland Saga can be enjoyed from anywhere in the world.
It was a huge success, and I was asked a lot about the second season. I couldn’t answer that question right away so I always acted on social media like I didn’t notice.”
You can catch the full interview here:
If you haven’t had the opportunity to catch up on the tragic tale of Thorfinn and his quest for revenge, you can currently watch the first season on Amazon Prime, with the streaming service releasing an official description that reads as such:
“As a child, Thorfinn sat at the feet of the great Leif Ericson and thrilled to wild tales of a land far to the west. But his youthful fantasies were shattered by a mercenary raid. Raised by the Vikings who murdered his family, Thorfinn became a terrifying warrior, forever seeking to kill the band’s leader, Askeladd, and avenge his father. Sustaining Thorfinn through his ordeal are his pride in his family and his dreams of a fertile westward land, a land without war or slavery…the land Leif called Vinland.”