The conclusion of the heart-string tugging anime franchise, Violet Evergarden, is now available for fans to watch at their leisure on Netflix, with the movie from Kyoto Animation acting as a worthy finale to the fan-favorite series. The titular character, who spends her days as an “Automatic Memory Doll” writing letters for clients that cannot express their words and feelings, discovers that the love of her life might very well be alive and sets out on a journey to not only learn the truth but continue her occupation which changes the lives of her thankful clients.
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In my review of Violet Evergarden The Movie, I made sure to note just how gorgeous the animation was, and while the movie might suffer from cohesion problems, it is definitely a love letter to fans and keeps new viewers in the know when it comes to the events of the series’ past:
“First and foremost, following the brief primer, the true strength of the final chapter of Violet Evergarden is in its animation, with the characters’ facial features and backgrounds for the environments popping off the screen. It’s clear that Kyoto Animation has some serious talent in their hands as they’ve refined their ability to animate over the years, with Violet Evergarden The Movie definitely being one of their slickest productions to date. Their animation works particularly well in selling the emotions of certain characters, as the movie is bursting with tear-jerking moments that Kyoto can capture perfectly, hammering home just how heart-rending the franchise can be when it wants to.”
If you’re unfamiliar with the Violet Evergarden movie’s premise, Netflix has listed an official description for the series on its website:
“As the world moves on from the war and technological advances bring changes to her life, Violet still hopes to see her lost commanding officer again.”
There has been no word of Violet Evergarden continuing with any additional anime series or movies in its future, but considering the satisfactory ending present in the latest film, we definitely don’t foresee many anime fans being dissatisfied with the final story of Violet and company.
Will you be watching Violet Evergarden The Movie this week? What anime movie brought you to tears? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of Violet Evergarden.