
Avengers 2 Confirmed By Disney, Hulk Talked Up

The big story breaking now is that The Avengers 2 is already in development by Disney and Marvel […]

The big story breaking now is that The Avengers 2 is already in development by Disney and Marvel Studios.  In this case, in development means that Disney CEO Bob Iger confirmed the obvious during a Q&A after a Disney earnings call.Disney CEO Bob Iger said, “In 2013, you’re going to see sequel to Thor 2 and you’re going to see Iron Man 3. In 2014, you’re going to see a sequel to Captain America and then eventually a date to be determined you’ll see a sequel to Avengers and so on.”In addition to mentioning The Avengers sequel, Disney CEO Bob Iger also talked up the Hulk character. Iger said, “The other thing that we’re seeing is that interest in other characters like the Hulk for instance is also strong. And it has always been a decent merchandise product for Marvel in the past, but the presence of the character in this film and the performance of the actor, the popularity has actually grown significantly, so there’s real demand for Hulk product in the marketplace right now, so I think what you’re essentially seeing here is a true franchise not necessarily in the making but having been made and launched. The box office is only one part of it. There are multiple opportunities to continue to mine this great set of characters. And while it all started with a set of really good movies, we fully intend to continue to fuel the marketplace with Marvel’s Avengers related stories and characters so that the momentum continues.”If Disney is seeing high demand for Hulk product, then we all know what that means. After Avengers 2, we wouldn’t be surprised to see another standalone Hulk movie.

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