At the DC 52 Panel at HeroesCon in Charlotte, North Carolina, Justice League Dark writer Jeff Lemire dropped a bombshell.’s Nick Winstead was at the panel and reports that Lemire teased that a new character from the Neil Gaiman universe would be appearing in the Justice League Dark title soon.While Lemire did not specify which character would be appearing, there has been much speculation online that The Sandman could be rebooted in Justice League Dark. In Justice League Dark #9, Doctor Destiny’s Dreamstone made an appearance, which of course ties into Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman.If The Sandman is rebooted in the New 52, then it could be considered the biggest controversy since DC Comics announced the Before Watchmen series. Just like Watchmen, The Sandman is widely considered one of those classic series that some comic fans would prefer not to see touched in any way.For more coverage on the DC 52 Panel, be sure to check out Nick Winstead’s full recap of the panel. will have coverage from HeroesCon throughout the weekend.
Neil Gaiman Character To Be Re-Introduced In New 52
At the DC 52 Panel at HeroesCon in Charlotte, North Carolina, Justice League Dark writer Jeff […]