The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey had its world premiere in Wellington, New Zealand last night. Now, that some people have seen the full movie, early reviews are starting to surface.Well, not early reviews in the form of detailed critical analysis and plot spoilers, as those type reviews are still embargoed. The early reviews are more in the way of enthusiastic tweets of those fortunate enough to attend the world premiere.X-Men: Days of Future Past director Bryan Singer had praise both for the movie and actor Ian McKellen. Singer tweeted, “Just saw #Hobbit. Having some serious frame rate envy. Amazing and involving. Loved it! And @ianmckellen118, my friend, you are brilliant!”Composer Steven Gallagher tweeted, “Hobbit premiere was excellent! Thanks all !!! Enjoyed the film very much.” Blogger Kylie Klein tweeted, “The #Hobbit is everything I could have hoped for. Perfection. TWO MORE FILMS PLEASE. #3SR.” Klein also tweeted that Peter and Fran got a standing ovation, and added, “I loved it. Transported. Already deeply, massively in love with Thranduil and he was only on screen for about three seconds. “New Zealand Parliament member Steven Joyce tweeted, “Really enjoyed #Hobbit Unexpected Journey world premiere. Masterful movie. Congrats Sir Peter Jackson et al. Privilege 2 be there #HobbitNZ”A New Zealand attendee with Twitter handle Carter Nixon, also shared some high praise for the The Hobbit. Nixon tweeted, “I just saw and enjoyed the sh*t out of The Hobbit. It’s great.” Follow-up tweets by Nixon added, “I am not giving away any particulars. Staying vague until it opens but I dug it. A lot.” and “Yeah everyone seemed to have loved it. Great atmosphere in theatre. It’s a lot of fun.”If we find any more early review tweets, we’ll try to add them to this post. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey opens in theaters in the United States on December 14, 2012.
The Hobbit Reviews Start To Surface
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey had its world premiere in Wellington, New Zealand last night. […]