The “Avengers Universe” is about to get quite a bit bigger, according to details of Marvel’s upcoming Infinity crossover just revealed during a Marvel live chat with Infinity writer Jonathan Hickman, Marvel Senior VP – Executive Editor (and Infinity editor) Tom Brevoort and Marvel Editor-in-Chief Axel Alonso.Says Hickman, “It’s big. Roughly 18 issues worth of story if you include the Avengers and New Avengers tie-ins.” And those are just the ones he’s writing. Leinil F. Yu will draw the Avengers issues, while the New Avengers tie-ins haven’t yet been announced.”Both Avengers and New Avengers will be doing full-fledged tie-ins throughout the duration of Infinity. So that’s six issues of Avengers, #18-23, and four issues of New Avengers, #9-12,” Brevoort explained. “On top of that, there’ll be an assortment of tie-ins in other titles across the Marvel line, books as diverse as Scarlet Spider and Thunderbolts and Wolverine & the X-Men and Captain Marvel. Not to mention many of the other Avengers books.”Brevoort also noted that the publisher will be doing at least two Infinite comics as part of Infinity, the first of which will be available as Infinity #1 goes on sale. And while both Nova and the Guardians of the Galaxy will absolutely play a part, it’s still undetermined whether their titles will actually tie directly into the Infinity storyline.As far as the art on the series, the creators explained that Jim Cheung (who drew the preview art above) will handle the first and last issue of the six-issue miniseries, Jerome Opena and Dustin Weaver split up the middle sections, with Opena heading to space and Weaver staying on earth.”Infinity delivers on our promise that it’s called the Marvel ‘Universe’ for a reason,” said Marvel Editor-in-Chief Axel Alonso. “No series has narrowed the gap between Earthbound and cosmic heroes more than this.””It’s a battle waged on two fronts,” explained Brevoort, “as the Avengers head off into space to deal with a looming cosmic threat, only to have Thanos strike at an undefended Earth during their absence. The central idea was Jonathan’s, it was a pitch for a big summer story to run in the Avengers titles, that grew and expanded out from there. In terms of the artists, we wanted to get the best and biggest guys we could, and guys that Jonathan was comfortable working with. That translated into Jim Cheung, whom everybody loves, Jerome Opena, who launched Avengers so well, and Dustin Weaver, whose S.H.I.E.L.D. and Avengers work really found a rhythm with Jonathan.”
Marvel’s Infinity: Tons More Details Revealed in Marvel Live Chat
The ‘Avengers Universe’ is about to get quite a bit bigger, according to details of Marvel’s […]