Code Monkey Save World Acoustic Soundtrack By Jonathan Coulton Planned

Having surpassed their last stretch goal in less than 90 minutes and now sitting comfortably with [...]

Code Monkey Save World: Red Room Variant

Having surpassed their last stretch goal in less than 90 minutes and now sitting comfortably with more than $100,000 more in Kickstarter pledges than they had originally set out to generate, the Code Monkey Save World graphic novel seems to be in pretty good shape. Based on the music of Jonathan Coulton, the 96-page original graphic novel is set for release beginning in August through Monkeybrain Comics. It's written by Superman/Batman writer Greg Pak, with art by Takeshi Miyazawa, and will be released to trade paperback after all four installments of the story have been published digitally, with the physical copies slated to be delivered to Kickstarter backers in November.

Code Monkey Save World Art

Originally set for less than 50 pages of story, the comic has ballooned after a number of stretch goals expanded its scope considerably. Now, though, they're shifting gears and setting a new goal with a different objective. Pak put it simply: They've announced a new stretch goal--$200,000--and if they hit that goal by the end of the Kickstarter campaign on May 15, "Jonathan will record an all new acoustic album featuring the songs that inspired the graphic novel. New JoCo music! All because of a comics Kickstarter! Crazy!" According to the Kickstarter page, the soundtrack (as it's currently being sold) will feature the songs "Code Monkey," "Skullcrusher Mountain," "Chiron Beta Prime," "The Future Soon," "Curl," "I Crush Everything," "Creepy Doll," "Re: Your Brains," and maybe even "Good Morning Tucson" if that newscaster character makes it into the book. There will also be a new, original song that Coulton is recording inspired by the graphic novel.