The Green Goblin from Amazing Spider-Man 2 has been revealed through a new toy bust based on Dane Dehaan’s look as the character in the film.The figure shows the goblin, post OZ-formula transformation, wearing partially green armor. He has gloves with claws, likely covering his physical claws gained from the transformation, and what looks like a kind of Bluetooth earpiece on the right side of his face.In The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Green Goblin will be joining Electro and the Rhino in battling Spider-Man when Peter Parker runs the gauntlet as the mysterious company Oscorp sends up a slew of supervillains against him.The Amazing Spider-Man 2 hits theaters May 2, 2014.
Amazing Spider-Man 2: Green Goblin Revealed In New Toy
The Green Goblin from Amazing Spider-Man 2 has been revealed through a new toy bust based on Dane […]