While Batman Eternal, The New 52: Futures End and Earth 2: Worlds End will all launch at different times, the three will end on the same week in March 2015, according to DC Entertainment co-publisher Dan DiDio.Asked about the publishing schedule for the three weeklies on Facebook, Didio responded, “Batman Eternal started this April and runs to next March after which it takes a brief hiatus, Futures End starts this May and ends the last week of March 2015, and Worlds End starts in October and ends the same week as the others next March, hope that clears things up.”It may clear up the scheduling, but more than that it seems to suggest something fairly massive for that week in March. A time/space storyline that could impact both the alternate future of The New 52: Futures End and the multiversal aspect of Earth 2: Worlds End could explain both of them blowing up at the same time, but it could also hint at a massive shift in the structure of the DC multiverse.In all likelihood, that will tie into a Crisis-level event of some kind, with long-standing rumors of more in-story interaction between the worlds of the Multiverse. Indeed, if Grant Morrison’s The Multiversity ties into any of this, it wouldn’t be surprising at all.Batman Eternal, meanwhile, will apparently resume at some point, but the status quo of things will be shaken enough that it will have to take time off? Seems likely the solicitations for March 2015 will be very closely scrutinized, indeed.The first chapter of The New 52: Futures End will drop in two weeks, as Free Comic Book Day brings Futures End #0 to fans.
DC Comics’s Three Weeklies All To End The Same Week in March 2015
While Batman Eternal, The New 52: Futures End and Earth 2: Worlds End will all launch at […]