
5 Things We Wanted To See In The Avengers: Age Of Ultron Trailer

With the second Avengers: Age of Ultron trailer recently exploding onto the Internet, it seemed […]

With the second Avengers: Age of Ultron trailer recently exploding onto the Internet, it seemed as though there wasn’t any real new bits to reveal. True, there’s more action to the Hulk/Hulkbuster fight, and we get a closer look at Black Widow’s new threads, but there’s a few things that haven’t been seen yet and things fans are direly waiting for.

Baron Von Strucker a no-show?

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Strucker doctor

At the end of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, we’re introduced to Baron Von Strucker, a high-ranked Hydra officer that is a known thorn in Cap’s side. It’s also the same scene where we are introduced to the twins Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, but we’ve seen those plenty in the trailers thus far. Is Strucker in Age of Ultron? Does he have a bigger part to play, or was he only used as a segue for the introduction to the twins and the fact that Hydra has Loki’s scepter?

Klaw is that you?


So that’s twice we’ve seen Andy Serkis in trailers, but has yet to officially being confirmed as weapons merchant Ulysses Klaw. This could be the jumping on point for the Black Panther movie. If Serkis is indeed Klaw, perhaps he will lose his hand and fashion his trademark blaster just in time to square off against T’Challa.

Ultron’s Origins


So far we’ve gathered that Ultron started off as a member of the Iron Legion, but what exactly transpired from there? Thor confronts Tony that he’s dabbled in something even he can’t control, but what is it exactly? Chitauri tech? Something he’s discovered? Possibly a throwback to the original Human Torch android (which was seen in the first Captain America). It’s just curious they haven’t given non-comic readers an explanation.

What does Scarlet Witch actually do again?


At the end of Winter Soldier, we were introduced to the twins and their powers, sort of. Scarlet Witch seemed to possess some amount of telekinesis and destructive powers, but it’s really unclear if she’ll have her hex abilities here. Possibly some sort of energy manipulation and telekinetic properties, but nothing cut and dry that we’ve been able to see just yet.

Vision is out of sight


Paul Bettany has been confirmed for the role of Vision for quite sometime now, and though he is rumored to be the physical manifestation of JARVIS, we have yet to see him in action. There’s been marketing art for him and leaked imagery, but nothing in the trailer so far. Again, I think that’s a bit odd we’ve seen Serkis’ unconfirmed role twice, but no robot-on-robot violence. I guess Marvel wants to save the best for last.

Was there anything that you still want to see from the Age Of Ultron trailer? Head on over to The Spoiler Room, and let us know!