
A Cop and a Zombie Walk Into a Bar…Talking Slate & Ashe With Ethan Murphy

Sorry, don’t have a joke to finish that headline with.What I do have is an interview with Slate & […]

Sorry, don’t have a joke to finish that headline with.What I do have is an interview with Slate & Ashe Creator Ethan Murphy. Slate & Ashe is a new comic that pairs a zombie with a cop. Together they fight the zombie hordes… that is if Ethan Murphy’s Kickstarter succeeds. As of writing this it’s looking pretty good. Ethan has $2,913 pledged of $6,500 goal and 25 days to go.Here’s a quick run down from the campaign website:The WhoOn the surface, Vickrum Slate and Marlon Ashe seem like two completely different people that have absolutely nothing in common and no middle ground. But the reality is, Slate and Ashe are just two people from different walks of life that are both trying to find their way and hopefully a little redemption. And in the end, what better way to form a brotherly bond than through bizarre hardship and excessive suffering?The CopWhat Marlon Ashe lacks in size he more than makes up for with lip. If he can’t shoot his way out of a situation with his “Switch-lock” than he’ll just shoot off his mouth. This cop rarely plays nice with the living or the living impaired.

The Cop
The Zombie

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Dr. Vickrum Slate is as smart as he is cynical giving all new meaning to the phrase “the living dead.” Armed with little more than a dry sense of humor and even drier skin, he moves faster than a jack rabbit on crack. Bullets and raging monsters both find him impossible to catch.
The Zombie
Give me the short sell on why I should donate to your kickstarter. Ethan Murphy:  Slate & Ashe Slate & Ashe  Murphy:  Slate and Ashe Murphy:  Murphy:  Murphy:  Slate and Ashe Murphy:  Slate & Ashe  Murphy: The Walking Dead Murphy: The Walking Dead Here’s an exclusive excerpt from issue one: