
Alterna’s The Last West Picked Up By Twilight Producers

The creators of the popular Alterna Comics series The Last West have inked a multimedia deal […]
The Last West

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The Twilight Saga Agent Cody Banks Percy Jackson

The agreement gives Outlier exclusive rights to represent The Last West with motion picture studios, distributors, television network and financiers.

“It goes without saying that we are absolutely thrilled to be working with Outlier. The guys there have an amazing track record of success with the movies they’ve worked on. And the fact that they’re this interested in our story — despite that only the first half is available and the second is still running on Kickstarter — we think says a lot about their belief in its mass appeal. We can’t wait to see where it goes from here.”

The creators — Evan Young and Lou iovino — are currently funding the second volume of the series via Kickstarter. Alterna, like many other creator-owned publishing houses, simply represents the creative team with Diamond Comics Distributors and provides promotional and other services; the cost of producing and publishing the comics falls on the creators themselves, who them reap a greater share of the rewards when and if the series if a hit.

The book, set in a world where technological advancement has been stopped cold and only one man knows why, evokes a primitive near future–a bit like NBC’s late, lamented Revolution, but in a world where people haven’t just shrugged and accepted that the world as they knew it is gone.

Young is also the co-creator of The Forgotten, which remains in development as well, with AngryFilms and John Wells Productions. You can see a more in-depth interview with him about The Last West here.