
Arrow: Five Oliver Queen Valentine’s Day Hookups

If there’s a more notorious…we’ll be charitable and say ‘ladies’ man’…in comics than Oliver […]

If there’s a more notorious…we’ll be charitable and say “ladies’ man”…in comics than Oliver Queen, I don’t know him.That has translated to the small screen, where on Arrow, Oliver has had not one, not two, but at least four women that he’s hooked up with in just two seasons of the show, on top of the gorgeous gal he’s got waiting for him back at the Arrowcave with a big crush.For context, that’s a better completion percentage than the guy on How I Met Your Mother, a show that’s all about dating.Oliver’s romantic relationships are also different from many action stars or comic book heroes in that they tend to be people intrinsic to his story and supporting cast, rather than just somebody written into the story to be his love interest. That is, perhaps, why they’re taking their sweet time making “Olicity” happen–so that she’s more her own character rather than just his girlfriend by the time the pair eventually start to date.In any event, we’re going to ignore (mostly) the fact that Ollie just seemingly re-established his romance with Sara Lance for the sake of picking out some of the ladies he might spend time with, kind of like we did for Daryl Dixon.


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