The episode picks up the second “Time of Death” left off, with Oliver and Slade still in mid-handshake, and Oliver asks him what he’s doing in Moira’s house.Moira interjects that he’s just made a sizable contribution to her political campaign, which kicks off a volley of Slade and Moira bouncing back and forth with a conversation about politics in which Slade is implying things about his experience on the island for Oliver’s benefit.”I know how difficult it is to pick yourself back up when people have written you off,” he tells her, and she gives Oliver a meaningful look–not because she knows about the island (we assume), but because he’s recently written her off, as well.Slade has brought a bottle of Australian rum, which the three of them drink, with Wilson toasting “to friendship.” He picks out a model yacht on the shelf and asks Moira whether the family spends much time on the water. She says not since Robert’s death, and he turns to Oliver to ask him about his time on the island. Oliver says he doesn’t like to talk about it, and Slade says it must have been hell.Then we flash back to the island, with Oliver and Slade in the midst of serious combat training. This is where we see Oliver’s real mastery of the bow and arrow, and Slade says Shado would be proud.Later, Slade is arranging the strategy for attacking the freighter while Sara is mixing something that she says will “work.” The trio agree to destroy the Mirakuru to prevent Ivo ever getting it, in case the battle doesn’t go their way.Sara and Oliver burn it out in the woods. She tells Oliver that they need to kill Ivo before he can try to talk Slade into thinking they’re at fault for Shado’s death.Wilson brings a bottle of Australian rum to the campsite and brings it to Ollie and Sara, telling them that he had been saving it for a special occasion and that their last night on the island is as good as it’s going to get.
Arrow Recap With Spoilers: The Promise
The episode picks up the second ‘Time of Death’ left off, with Oliver and Slade still in […]