The CW have released preview photos from March 19th’s episode of Arrow, titled “Suicide Squad.”The Diggle-centric episode follows up on dangling threads left behind by a number of this season’s episodes, bringing together Bronze Tiger, Deadshot and Shrapnel under the A.R.G.U.S. umbrella, led by Diggle, his ex-wife Lyla Michaels and their commanding officer Amanda Waller.There also appears to be a second, heavily Oliver-and-Sara-centric storyline. Based on the one image we have of Oliver in costume as Arrow, it seems he, too, might be working for Waller this episode, on something different.Check out the images below. Arrow is back tomorrow night at 8 p.m. EST on The CW and “Suicide Squad” airs two weeks after that.
Arrow: Suicide Squad Preview Photos Released
The CW have released preview photos from March 19th’s episode of Arrow, titled ‘Suicide […]