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Predictably, they get hit with a bucket of ice water (courtesy co-star and noted prankster John Barrowman, who is operating the camera). What’s really interesting is that after they’re doused (and then doused again, the second time seeming to actually surprise them), rather than challenging just three individuals (as is pretty much customary here), they challenged the casts of The Flash, Gotham and Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. as well as The Goldbergs and Teen Wolf.
Most of these, of course, have some specific connection to Arrow or Haynes, although The Goldbergs eludes us. Anybody have an idea in the comments?
Anyway, check out their video below.
The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge helps raise awareness and donations for ALS charities. Several celebrities known for playing superheroes have taken part in the challenge, including Arrow’s Stephen Amell, Iron Man‘s Robert Downey, Jr. and Guardians of the Galaxy’s Chris Pratt and Barrowman himself.