It seems that a private act of kindness has been made public after a tabloid report misrepresented the cancellation of the Academy Awards’s “Batkid” segment.Yesterday, was among a number of news outlets expressing confusion at just what had happened. The Academy told various news outlets via a written statement that “Due to the nature of a live show, hard decisions sometimes must be made which require the Academy to cut segments due to the logistics of production. Andrew Garfield understood that his segment had to be omitted, and he drove to Disneyland on Monday to spend time with 5-year-old Miles Scott (Batkid) and his family.”Various other reports clashed with this, including a report that Garfield had bowed out to see an ailing family member and one narrative — started at the New York Post‘s Page Six — which held that Garfield had stormed off the Oscar stage during rehearsal after deciding that he didn’t like his lines. His doing so, the report claimed, left Miles Scott and his family “devastated.”
Batkid/Amazing Spider-Man Oscar Fiasco Explained (Again)
It seems that a private act of kindness has been made public after a tabloid report misrepresented […]