
Behind The Scenes Of Zack Snyder’s Batman V. Superman And Star Wars Crossover

Those who thought the musculature on Ben Affleck’s Batman was just slightly too perfect earlier […]
too Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice/Star Wars crossover

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Enos tweeted a shot he took of Batman V Superman director Zack Snyder setting up his Dark Knight/Jedi crossover…standing over two models using nothing but his camera phone.

You can check it out below.

The “#iphoneonly” hashtag should be particularly amusing for those who remember claims that some of The Avengers was shot on the cinematographer’s iPhone. The studio had to later clarify that this was hyperbole, not fact, but the idea of another high-profile comics project using an iPhone to create viral images in support of the film certainly lends some credence to the idea that many viewers couldn’t tell the difference.