So by now, our readers probably know that Marvel and Netflix kicked off a deal today that’s aimed at putting five season-long miniseries events on the popular streaming service between 2015 and an indeterminate end date; four series will build up individual heroes, with the fifth establishing them as a team.Kind of like the whole Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Avengers philosophy…except on TV, and with “street-level” heroes who will end up calling themselves The Defenders.TV’s Defenders won’t be any of the Defenders teams we’ve seen in the comics, though; this time around, we’re looking at Daredevil, Luke Cage, Iron Fist and Jessica Jones (plus whatever hangers-on they end up inevitably bringing along, like Iron Man did with Black Widow and Hawkeye).These characters aren’t quite the same level of awareness that Captain America and company have and, in many cases, this is their first time in a live-action adaptation. So we’ve been thinking about what we’d like to see from them……but our first stop is Daredevil. He’s a character who’s already had a big-screen adaptation (which is remembered as a huge failure, but in actuality made enough money that Fox went through with a spinoff–and he’s also the longest-running and most widely-known character on the roster, affording his series a certain level of increased expectations from casual viewers.So…what would we like to see in a Daredevil TV series?
Daredevil TV Series: Five Things We Want to See
So by now, our readers probably know that Marvel and Netflix kicked off a deal today that’s aimed […]