Once upon a time, when telephone booths were ubiquitous and had doors that closed, of Superman’s regular storytelling tropes was that he would enter one as Clark Kent and emerge a second later as Superman, allowing him to make the change in broad daylight, in public, and remain unseen.It was such a popular and widely-known storytelling device that it’s appeared in films, animated series, and TV shows like Lois and Clark and Smallville. The more modern phone booths, which don’t have closing doors and only obscure callers from the waist up, have even been used in sight gags.Well, courtesy of DC co-publisher Dan DiDio’s Facebook page, take a look at the phone booth at right, which features an ad for Man of Steel’s comic book promotion. Presumably taken near DC’s New York publishing headquarters, the image sees Jim Lee’s Superman and DiDio’s caption, “who said Superman and phone booths no longer go together?”Well played.
DC Comics Advertising Superman and Man of Steel on Phone Booths
Once upon a time, when telephone booths were ubiquitous and had doors that closed, of Superman’s […]