Superboy, the Teen Titans, Legion Lost and the rest of DC Comics’ “Young Justice” titles will be coming out of this month’s crossover event, The Culling, looking a lot different than they did when they launched last September. And now that the wait is almost over, DC is starting to aggressively tease what’s coming next via their blog.”The Lost Legionnaires find their way home to the 31st century! And what they find is the worst thing that could ever happen! If you don’t believe me, check out this exclusive art from the next issue!” series editor Brian Cunningham said in a story that ran earlier today, accompanied by the shot at left, taken from next month’s Legion Lost #10 by Tom DeFalco and Pete Woods.The other titles affected by the fallout from the crossover have had pages teased online as well, with the exception of The Ravagers, the series designed to spin out of the events of the crossover.
DC Comics Teases Life After The Culling for Young Justice
Superboy, the Teen Titans, Legion Lost and the rest of DC Comics’ ‘Young Justice’ titles will be […]