
Face Off Recap: Director Bryan Singer Guest Judges

On tonight’s episode of Face Off, X-Men Days of Future Past director Bryan Singer appeared as a […]
Bryan Singer Face Off

On tonight’s episode of Face Off, X-Men Days of Future Past director Bryan Singer appeared as a guest judge. Singer is also the director behind the soon to be released Jack the Giant Slayer, and this week’s challenge was for the contestants to design a giant with two or more heads.When asked what makes a compelling character on screen, Bryan Singer said, “I think it’s when you find a way to translate the actor’s personality, whoever’s playing role, and infuse that into the character. I think whenever you do that you believe it more.”For the challenge, the contestants were divided into teams of two. After seeing the giants created by the contestants, Bryan Singer said, “I’m incredible impressed. Actually, I’m absolutely blown away.”After the judges deliberated, they selected Kris & Eric F. as the top team. Because they could only select one winner, the judges chose Eric F., because he was responsible for the concept. The contestant that the judges chose to eliminate from the competition was Jenna.

Face Off Giant