With the release of The Fury of Firestorm the Nuclear Man #16, out today from DC Comics, Dan Jurgens and inkers Karl Kesel and Ray McCarthy took the Nuclear Man (men?) someplace he/they haven’t been before: away from his roots.Firestorm, in this issue, starts to really build some momentum in the journey away from the multiple Firestorms/government conspiracy/Dr. Megala stories that Jurgens and McCarthy were left with at the start of their run on the book. Jurgens joined us to talk about moving on and his hopes for the future.As always, this is a SPOILER-FILLED conversation. Why not buy a copy and read along with us? You can preview the issue at the CBS Man Cave.
Firestorm Turns the Page: Dan Jurgens on Game-Changing Firestorm #16
With the release of The Fury of Firestorm the Nuclear Man #16, out today from DC Comics, Dan […]