
Five Most Controversial Comic Book Movie Scenes Of 2013

This past year was yet another big year for comic book movies. For the second year in a row, a […]
Man Of Steel Killing

This past year was yet another big year for comic book movies. For the second year in a row, a comic book movie will finish the year at the top of both the United States and the worldwide box office. Iron Man 3 leads the U.S. box office with $409 million and leads the worldwide box office with $1.2 billion. In total, there are four superhero-based comic book movies, which will finish in the top 15 highest grossing movies worldwide for 2013.As successful as they were at the box office, 2013 comic book movies contained some of the most controversial scenes ever for comic book fans. We’ve compiled a list of five of the biggest comic book movie controversies of 2013. We’re only covering movies that were actually released in 2013, so be sure to check out our list of five most surprising comic book movie casting announcements for controversial casting announcements for future comic book movies.Spoiler warning: If you haven’t caught up on your 2013 movie watching yet, then be warned that major spoilers follow.5. Kick-Ass 2 Scenes Of Violence โ€“ In Kick-Ass 2, Jim Carrey played a superhero called Colonel Stars and Stripes, but it’s what Carrey did outside the film that generated controversy. Carrey took the unusual move of denouncing the violence in Kick-Ass 2 and refusing to promote the film. Considering that the first Kick-Ass movie was extremely violent, many Kick-Ass fans called into question why Carrey would agree to do the sequel in the first place if he was so against violence in movies. For his part, Carrey insisted that recent acts of school violence caused him to have a change of heart.4. Silver Samurai As A Giant Robot โ€“ When fans got their first glimpse of Silver Samurai in The Wolverine, he appeared to be quite different from the comic book version. At first glance, Silver Samurai looked like a giant robot, but there actually turned out to be a man inside the robotic Silver Samurai armor. Still, the movie Silver Samurai was a far cry from the comic book Silver Samurai, and some fans were upset to see such a dramatic change in a classic Wolverine villain.3. The Destruction Of Metropolis โ€“ As Superman and General Zod battled in the Man Of Steel, their fight resulted in massive destruction in the heavily-populated city of Metropolis. Director Zack Snyder estimated that 5,000 people died in Metropolis during the fight. Some Superman fans took issue with how Superman seemed unconcerned with the massive destruction and loss of life that was occurring during his fight with Zod.2. The Mandarin Twist โ€“ While The Mandarin twist might sound like a drink or a dance move, it actually refers to a huge twist in Iron Man 3, where Ben Kingsley’s character The Mandarin is revealed to be a hired actor named Trevor Slattery. In the advertisements for Iron Man 3, Marvel built it up that Kingsley was playing an epic villain role, but he turned out to just be a decoy for the real villain Aldrich Killian. Comic book fans, who were already on edge over The Mandarin not being Chinese like he is in the comics, were furious that Iron Man’s biggest villain turned out to be a joke.1. Superman Snaps Zod’s Neck โ€“ It was the neck snap heard around the world. No single scene has ever proven to be more divisive in a comic book movie then the one where Superman kills Zod by snapping his neck in Zack Snyder’s Man Of Steel. In the scene, Zod was about to kill a family with his heat vision, so Superman was backed into a corner of having to kill Zod to stop him. The scene set off a huge debate among comic book fans over whether Superman should ever kill.

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