Available in stores today is Insight Editions’ “Game of Thrones: A Pop-Up Guide to Westeros.” Inspired by the opening credits sequence from “Game of Thrones,” the book is a three-dimensional art tour through the world of the show, from the Wall in the North to the eastern continent of Essos.The book contains stunning pop-up renderings of King’s Landing, The Eyrie, Winterfell, the Wall and Essos, each with text explaining the location’s history and importance to the world of Westeros. Additionally, each page has several smaller pop-ups hidden away that explain more specific bits of history about such subjects as Jon Snow’s sword, Longclaw, and the Eyrie’s Moon Door.What’s even more impressive is that the entire book folds out to form a mini-map of Westeros similar to the one seen in the show’s opening. It’s not a complete map, but it is quite impressive nonetheless.
Game of Thrones: A Pop-Up Guide To Westeros Is A Visually Stunning Look At The World Of The Show
Available in stores today is Insight Editions’ “Game of Thrones: A Pop-Up Guide to […]