“Eh.”That’ll be my answer tomorrow when people ask me about tonight’s ‘Heroes’ episode, entitled ‘Tabula Rasa.’The storyline moved along, but nothing earth shattering happened.It’s almost at the point where this show is running like a heart monitor.Straight line for 2-3 episodes, then a ‘blip’ up for an exciting show.This week, we’re back on the straight line.As always, a quick recap, followed by our thoughts.When we left off last week, Hiro passed out in Peter’s apartment after teleporting.We first see him this week in the hospital, Peter by his side.The secret is out–Peter knows Hiro is dying of a brain tumor.Peter steals Hiro’s ability and teleports to HRG, where the two of them track down a healer named Jeremy Greer to help Hiro.The only problem?Jeremy’s powers have turned the other way. Instead of healing people with his touch, he kills them.After finding Jeremy’s parents dead, HRG and Peter get shot at by the young kid.Eventually, Peter gets hit, and HRG talks Jeremy into saving his friend.It works.Peter takes Jeremy’s power, and HRG stays behind to help the kid out.
‘Heroes’ Review: ‘Tabula Rasa’
‘Eh.’ That’ll be my answer tomorrow when people ask me about tonight’s ‘Heroes’ episode, […]