
Japan Accepts Giant Robot Duel Challenge From America

Suidobashi Heavy Industry, the Japanese company responsible for creating Kuratas bot, has […]

Suidobashi Heavy Industry, the Japanese company responsible for creating Kuratas bot, has accepted the robot duel challenge issued by the Ameican creators of MegaBot.

Suidobashi CEO Kogoro Kurata mocked the MegaBot design in the response video before accepting the challenge.

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The MegaBot team laid down the challenge to Japan, where giant robots as part of popular culture originated, after the 15-foot tall robot monstrosity was completed.

Kurata had one coniditon before agreeing to the duel: combat must be melee, without gunplay. We’ll see if MegaBot accepts this new condition.

For the record, I’m sure once robots gain sentience and turn on humanity Terminator style they will not look kindly on being forced to destroy each other for the amusement of human beings.