During an interview this morning with Bloomberg TV, DC Comics co-publishers Jim Lee and Dan DiDio discussed the present and future of Superman, the new villain introduced in this week’s Superman Unchained #1 and the importance of Man of Steel as the character’s 75th anniversary celebration rolls on this year.The pair also revealed that Superman Unchained‘s mystery villain, the character pictured at left and responsible for acts of government-sponsored destruction stretching back to World War II, is a new villain named Wraith, rather than a reimagined version of an existing DC Universe character for the New 52, as some had speculated.You can see the video embedded below, along with the transcript below courtesy Bloomberg Television.On the evolution of Superman:Dan Didio: He was first created in 1938 and he had a very particular appeal at that time [to uplift the population]. As we say, Superman is the ultimate immigrant story. He comes in from another planet with no parents, learns the American life, learns the ideals and wants to come out and help everyone he comes in contact with. At the core of it resonates so much that as we change the world around Superman, we find ways to contemporize him and really play into the ideals and the expectations of what a hero is today.On what he keeps in mind as he tries to reinvent the Superhero:Jim Lee: The really cool think about Superman is even though he has changed he has stayed the same, at his core, superhero with all the greatest powers you would expect but he has tremendous humility and a moral compass. So that part of him has not changed and that’s why he continues to be an inspiration and an icon.
Jim Lee and Dan DiDio Talk Man of Steel, Superman Unchained
During an interview this morning with Bloomberg TV, DC Comics co-publishers Jim Lee and Dan DiDio […]