
Justice League International: What Happens Next?

With the cancellation of Justice League International–not one of DC’s lowest-selling titles and […]

With the cancellation of Justice League International–not one of DC’s lowest-selling titles and not one that was being widely discussed as “on the bubble” prior to being axed–a lot of discussion popped up in the comics press speculating that the series might be ripe for a relaunch on some level with a “season two” approach soon after it ended.That Dan DiDio and Geoff Johns are writing Justice League Annual #1, out this week as a kind of coda to the series, led some of us to believe that the JLI was likely to return in some form, written by one or both of DC’s highest-ranking writers.Then, today, the publisher announced that Geoff Johns and David Finch would launch a new Justice League of America title in 2013, featuring a roster of B-list heroes with A-list potential led by Wonder Woman’s longtime love interest Steve Trevor. None of the members of the Justice League International appear on the solicited promotional image for the team.What’s it all add up to? It’s hard to know. Certainly the fact that Johns and DiDio have teased that the book will lead to a new status quo for the JLI, and “especially” for Booster Gold, as events in the present start to have an unintended impact on the future…that sounds decidedly big-picture, and like it might be the start of something new and exciting for the JLI. What, exactly, is hard to guess, but I’ve got one anyway:

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Booster Gold Firestorm