
Karl Urban Still Interested In Judge Dredd Series On Streaming Sites

If you ever wondered how important marketing is to the success or failure of a film, just take a […]

If you ever wondered how important marketing is to the success or failure of a film, just take a look at the 2012 comic book movie Dredd. With film critics singing its praises and moviegoers eager to provide good word-of-mouth, Dredd only mustered $41.5 million at the worldwide box office. What went wrong? Marketing. While comic book fans surely know who Judge Dredd is, and what he’s about, the character is only a Stallone-flicker in the mind of mainstream audiences, and most of them weren’t even aware that there was a new Judge Dredd film coming out.

Once it became available on DVD in North America, Dredd sold 750,000 copies in the first week alone, but sadly, that was not good enough to get a sequel off the ground. However, fans and its star Karl Urban haven’t given up hope yet. In fact, for the past several months, Urban has said he would be interested in reprising the role if Dredd were to become a series on a streaming site.

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When we ran into Urban at the the Star Trek Beyond premiere, we asked him if he was still interested in pursuing a Dredd series on Netflix, Amazon, or Hulu.

“Yeah, I’ve gone on record saying that I would. Absolutely,” Urban told at the Star Trek Beyond premiere. “I mean, what’s clear to me is that there is an audience demand to see more and if we can find a way to have a legitimate and worthy successor to Dredd. I’d love to be a part of it. You know, it would have to be something where we were focused on Dredd and coming to sort of understand the deeper inner workings of the character, otherwise there wouldn’t be much point doing it because it’s a huge challenge to play a character whose eyes you can’t see. We’ll see. I’m sure it will get made at some point. Whether it’s with me or not, I don’t know.”

Additional reporting by Ashley Robinson.

During a routine day on the job, Dredd is assigned to train and evaluate Cassandra Anderson (Olivia Thirlby), a rookie with powerful psychic abilities thanks to a genetic mutation. A heinous crime calls them to a neighborhood where fellow Judges rarely dare to venture โ€“ a 200 story vertical slum controlled by prostitute turned drug lord Ma-Ma (Lena Headey) and her ruthless clan. When they capture one of the clan’s inner circle, Ma-Ma overtakes the compound’s control center and wages a dirty, vicious war against the Judges that proves she will stop at nothing to protect her empire. With the body count climbing and no way out, Dredd and Anderson must confront the odds and engage in the relentless battle for their survival.