
Lance Reddick Interested In Playing Black Panther’s Father, Martian Manhunter & John Stewart

John Wick actor Lance Reddick has a number of dream projects that he’d like to tackle, and […]

John Wick actor Lance Reddick has a number of dream projects that he’d like to tackle, and almost all of them include comic book characters.

While making the press rounds for his upcoming swords and sorcery film, John Wick, Reddick revealed that he’d love to participate in one of the many, many comic book adaptations hitting theaters over the next five years. Specifically, Reddick expressed interested in playing T’Challa’s father T’Chaka in Marvel’s Black Panther, Martian Manhunter in DC’s Justice League, or John Stewart in Justice League and Green Lanternย 

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“I’d love to play T’Chaka,” he told IGN. I’d also love to play the Martian Manhunter. John Stewart would be great too.”

But Reddick has some competition for the John Stewart role, as actor Tyrese Gibson has launched a strong social media campaign asking Warner Bros. to let him play Greenย Lantern. Reddick won’t give up easily, but he said that if he lands the Martian Manhunterย role (assuming that the character is in Justice League), then Green Lantern is all Gibson’s.

You can check out Reddick’s full discussion here, at the 23:33 mark.

Would you like to see Reddick play any of these comic book characters? Sound off in the comments below.