To the surprise of basically no one, Marvel Comics plans to kill off what’s described as a “major” Marvel superhero in the forthcoming event miniseries Civil War II, The Daily News reports.
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The comic, which pits Iron Man against Captain Marvel with a team of Avengers flanking each, sees a mysterious new Marvel character comes to the attention of the world, one who has the power to calculate the outcome of future events with a high degree of accuracy. This predictive power divides the Marvel heroes on how best to capitalize on this aggregated information, with Captain Marvel leading the charge to profile future crimes and attacks before they occur, and Iron Man adopting the position that the punishment cannot come before the crime.

Captain Marvel is, of course, being propped up for her 2019 movie, so making her a lead character in a comic designed to cash in on an existing movie (Civil War II starts a month after Civil War hits theaters) makes sense.
“People’s personal accountability is the theme of this one,” series writer Brian Michael Bendis is quoted as saying. “From the way cops are acting on camera, to the way people talk to each other online.”
The incident that galvanizes the superheroes into battle against one another involves this new seer predicting a catastrophe that will be brought on by a superhero in three days. This far out from publication, though, Bendis hasn’t quite figured out what the catastrophe is. At the point when he was pitching the story, he hadn’t even yet decided on a culprit. The article describes Bendis using Spider-Man Peter Parker as a kind of “placeholder” so they could have conversations about the story, but The Amazing Spider-Man writer Dan Slott said he knew all along that Peter wouldn’t be the guy they used — and ultimately he wasn’t.
“The death is the marketing hook,” explained publisher David Buckley. “The thing that’s really compelling is whether or not there’s a story afterwards that’s going to connect with readers and sustain it.”