In the aftermath of the alien invasion in Savage Dragon, out in trade this week, a new issue of the series hits the stands after a bit of a gap in publication.Dragon himself takes on his son in space to see who will lead their race into the future, while Malcolm and Angel cope with the ramifications of the invasion that left millions dead back here on earth.As always, writer/artist Erik Larsen joined for a conversation about the issue. Spoilers on, folks!Was it you or the colorist who made the decision to have the very muted colors on the cover? It works well, especially with the yellow logo popping out of it.I colored the cover this time out. There are occasions when I have a specific idea for a cover and I’ll just knock it out myself. Usually it’s a case where the color is either knocked out or something a little off beat. I tend to get a little more anal when it comes to the the covers.
That said, has there been a more one-sided fight in the book before? Maybe Malcolm and Spoon…!
This is the most Dragon-tastic issue of Savage Dragon in quite some time. Obviously that’s just how the story shook out, but at the same time is it nice to be able to write your old pal for such a substantial chunk of the issue?
Is it safe to assume that, for now, Krull is pretty much good with Dragon?
I know I’ve talked about this with DeMatteis, but I doin’t think ever with you. It’s not particulrly interesting to watch, but certainly there has to be a sense that people with powers can be more of a use to the world by fixing some of what’s broken than just by dropping houses on one another. Are we seeing a bit of that with Malcolm here?
It’s interesting–Dragon has a fairly cynical view of organized religion for a guy who’s spent the afternoon in God’s presence, doesn’t he?
That said, I never thought to ask this–you once told me that you had considered giving Dragon his “smokin’ hot gals in Heaven” ending when you killed him off a while back. Was that omitted because it’s something that you only get to do once and you don’t want to burn it if there’s a chance he’s coming back?
Angel’s reaction to Malcolm is an interesting one–did she just think she could hide away until he forgot about what happened or dismissed it himself?
Just bailing on the ride home isn’t so bad, in the grand scheme of things. I’m still skeptical that trusting Darklord is ever going to turn out the way Dragon wants it to. Is that just me?
Next issue: Overlord. That’s pretty unequivocal. Are we finally looking at the big Overlord story we’ve been building to essentially since #150?