At the Murfreesboro Anime and Comic Kon, My Little Pony artist Andy Price took time to answer questions from fans. The My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic comic series by writer Katie Cook and artist Andy Price has proven to be a huge hit for IDW Publishing. The first issue of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic sold over 100,000 copies, which made it the best selling comic in the history of IDW.Andy Price said, “When the comic originally started, it was supposed to be a limited series. They didn’t expect it to be as popular as it was. So it is now an ongoing comic. So as long as you guys keep buying, we’ll keep making it.”Andy Price added, “The way the comic is working is we are doing four issue long stories. So issue one through four is one story, issue five through eight is another story. So the next story arc is already in the works.”When asked about coordinating the comic with My Little Pony TV show, Andy Price said, “We had a story planned, and Hasbro was like ‘You know what? We’re doing the same thing. So yours is out.’ It’s Hasbro’s baby. We’re just playing in the sandbox.”Andy Price explained, “The episode they did recently where the Crudaders went
My Little Pony Artist Andy Price Talks About The Comic
At the Murfreesboro Anime and Comic Kon, My Little Pony artist Andy Price took time to answer […]