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The series, based on Vertigo’s Hellblazer comics, has hit its stride in the last couple of weeks, earning rave reviews and higher ratings than any episodes since the pilot.
All of that came together with reports that NBC is still mulling a second season for Constantine, even though the first season will only have 13 episodes.
This isn’t unheard of; NBC has quite a few midseason dramas they want to try out, and Constantine‘s ratings have been roughly in line with Dracula‘s, which the network also did not pick up (although that was attributed largely to offscreen trouble with the series’ lead). Networks also occasionally renew series they think have promise in spite of ratings performance — possibly the most notable recent example being NBC’s The Office, which went on to become a primetime staple for a decade after its first, six-episode season turned back cancellation-level numbers.
Whether it will actually happen or not? Well, that’s up for debate. TV By the Numbers, who have a feature on the site called “The Cancellation Bear,” have declared the series dead and a number of other press outlets have referred to the show as “cancelled.”
And it isn’t, technically. While most series don’t come back from this kind of thing, the more reliable industry trade publications and websites maintain that Constantine really does still have a chance.
Joining the #SaveConstantine hashtag on Twitter, alongside series stars and writers, and celebrity fans like William Shatner, is showrunner Daniel Cerone, whose confidence only seems to be bolstered by predictions that the show will be gone this time next year.
The producers are confidant. Constantine higher ratings than Hannibal and CLIMBING. Hannibal got 2nd season. So keep watching! #Constantine
— Daniel Cerone (@DanielVCerone) November 24, 2014
HH Ratings: Sleepy Hollow 4.6, Flash 3.7, Constantine 3.5, Arrow 2.6, Supernatural 2.5. ‘N we have worst time slot. Keep faith! #Constantine
— Daniel Cerone (@DanielVCerone) November 24, 2014
We will return if enuf fans watch live ‘n rewatch (stream till you drop). NBC wants our success and DC is beast. Won’t say die. #Constantine
— Daniel Cerone (@DanielVCerone) November 24, 2014
#Constantine has not been cancelled. And if you keep watching, and streaming, we will get a second season. #Hellblazers rock!!!
— Harold Perrineau (@HaroldPerrineau) November 24, 2014
.@JLThorpe @TVBachelor @Deadline Not weird Matt and Angelica are doing Macy’s Parade. NBC wants #Constantine to grow. Still promoting us.
— Daniel Cerone (@DanielVCerone) November 24, 2014
.@SPN_Sherry Predicting failure is like bowling with the bumpers up. Calling winners requires skill. #Constantine will survive.
— Daniel Cerone (@DanielVCerone) November 24, 2014
.@TVGuide #Constantine is not canceled. We’re here to kick ass and smoke silk cuts and we’re all outta silk cuts. You watch, we live.
— Daniel Cerone (@DanielVCerone) November 24, 2014
To support #Constantine, use #SaveConstantine, tweet to @NBCConstantine, and make comments on https://t.co/lxd40euuxj. NBC is listening!
— Daniel Cerone (@DanielVCerone) November 24, 2014
.@WilliamShatner You languished in our slot Fri at 10 pm on NBC but came thru. We want your love & karma. RT #SaveConstantine #Constantine
— Daniel Cerone (@DanielVCerone) November 25, 2014
.@JohnConWriters @NBC is crazy! Change your minds! I would live tweet it but Friday’s are impossible