
Rifftrax Takes on Batman Takes Over

Batman Takes Over, one of the earliest comics-to-film adaptations, is the target of a bit of […]
Batman Takes Over

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, one of the earliest comics-to-film adaptations, is the target of a bit of good-natured ribbing in the latest Rifftrax audio commentary, released just in time for San Diego Comic Con International.You check check out a sample below, in which you’ll see just how low-rent the first comics movies were, you’ll get to see Batman…driving a regular car, because the Batmobile wasn’t yet a thing, apparently. Fittingly, the site where you can buy the riff jokes “Batman Takes Over…an hour to arrive at the crime scene, because he drives an ordinary car instead of a Batmobile. And, standing in for stately Wayne Manor, a slightly-less-stately suburban home.”Happy Comic-Con, everyone! We’ll be checking in with updates from the floor throughout the day!