
Stan Lee Supporting Toys For Tots Drive

Assuming his ‘Generalissimo’ persona, comics legend Stan Lee took to YouTube this week to lend […]
(Photo: Zach D Roberts)

Assuming his “Generalissimo” persona, comics legend Stan Lee took to YouTube this week to lend support to Toys for Tots, the Marine Corps’s annual campaign to provide holiday gifts to low-income families.

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Lee is asking fans to make a donation of $10 to the Toys For Tots drive, and offering a digital book of family photos assembled by his daughter, including never-before-released images.

You can check out the video below.

Lee isn’t the only comics personality with close ties to Toys for Tots. Ron Marz is doing his now-annual Toys For Tots drive, selling sketches donated by numerous comics artists, signed books and more on eBay.